What qualities would you like to see in your would be boss?

What qualities would you like to see in your would be boss?

Your answer to this question gives the interviewer an insight into your style of management and your ability to get along with the boss.

Answer this question by focusing on the qualities you may seek in your boss – like good knowledge, respect for team members, understanding, good sense of humor – which every boss would like to think, they have in abundance.

Make sure that at no point of time, your answer shows that you need a boss who doesn't question you back or gives you too much liberty – as this might mean that you do not like discipline and can’t get along well with people.
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  • RE: What qualities would you like to see in your would be boss? -Farhana Afreen (05/29/15)
  • We know you can write an essay on qualities in a boss but stay reminded that it is an interview and the one question you would not want to instigate is how complaining you can be.

    Keep aside how much you want your boss to be friendly and less strict when you apply for a leave and concentrate on all the good things the interviewer wants to hear.

    "The boss is someone who we all look up to in times of distress. I would be pleased if my boss could be motivating, a good analyser, straightforward personnel who knows the work inside out, encourages team activity, listens to the employee's suggestions and renders advices wherever required."