Which property of UJT signifies the voltage division factor whose value is always supposed to be less than unity?

Which property of UJT signifies the voltage division factor whose value is always supposed to be less than unity?


a. Intrinsic Stand-off Ratio
b. Extrinsic Stand-off Ratio
c. Current to Resistance Ratio
d. Voltage to Current Ratio

Correct Answer: a. Intrinsic Stand-off Ratio


Intrinsic stand-off ratio is said to have a value which is always supposed to be less than 1.

This is so because it specifies the voltage division factor which is usually a ratio of base resistances of first transistor to the additional sum of base resistances concerned to another transistor.

Stand-off ratio = Rb1 /(Rb1+ Rb2)

However, it can also be represented in terms of voltage values as,

VA = stand-off ratio x VBB

This eventually results in the voltage drop at the base resistance of another (second) transistor.
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