Write a program to define the data types such as LONG, INT, SHORT, CHAR? - Windows Programming

Write a program to define the data types such as LONG, INT, SHORT, CHAR?

- The data type like LONG, INT, SHORT, CHAR doesn’t define the specific length and it can be determined by the host machine.

- It determines the bits that are used with each of the types and the notation used for the above mentioned types.

- The LONG is being referred by the prefix l that is the lower-case of L.

- INT is a variable that can be prefixed with i or ui that indicates the integer and unsigned integers.

- CHAR is prefixed with c or uc that also mean character and unsigned character respectively.

- The size of the data types are platform independent and the size of the variable also doesn’t matter.

- It is defined as:
typedef long LONG;
typedef unsigned long ULONG;
typedef int INT;
typedef unsigned int UINT;
typedef short SHORT;
typedef unsigned short USHORT;
typedef char CHAR;
typedef unsigned char UCHAR;
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