Java multithreading tutorial

Java multithreading tutorial - contributed by Pradip Patil


Two or more parts of the program that can run concurrently is known as multithread program. Each part of this program is called thread. Multi-threading is a special form of multitasking. Multi-threading allows you to write very efficient program that makes maximum use of CPU because idle time is kept to minimum.

Thread: Java program runs with the thread known as main thread. In java there are 2 ways to create thread

1)declare a class to be a subclass of thread.

Class Demo extends Thread
{ start() ;)
Public void run(){ }

Start this thread like

Demo d=new Demo();

2) declared class that implements runnable interface.

Class Demo implements Runnable
     Thread t;
           t=new Thread(this,”Second”);
      Public void run(){ }

Both class as well as interface consists of run method

Thread Life cycle

Like life cycle of a creature on the earth, threads also have life cycle. In that life cycle thread goes through different states viz.

1)new/ born state
2)runnable state
3)Not runnable/blocked state
4)Dead state

These are the four states of the thread life cycle

1)new/born: in this state, start() method is called.
2)runnable : yield () is used.
3)not Runnable/Blocked : Wait() or sleep method is used.
4)Dead : when run method is complete it goes to dead state.

Thread priority: Thread priority shows how thread is treated with respect to others at the time of execution. Priority is in integer and priority is meaningless if it is the only thread running. Thread priority is decided at the time of context switching.

Priority is in between Thread.MAX_PRIORITY and Thread.MIN_PRIORITY.

MAX_PRIORITY: thread have maximum priority with value 10.
MIN_PRIORITY : Minimum priority that thread have value 1.
NORM_PRIORITY: Default priority assign to thread, value is 5.

Thread Synchronization : Excluding the other threads from an operation until the operation is complete is called synchronization.

There are 2 ways to synchronize thread code execution

1)Synchronize block of the code

// File Name :
// This program uses a synchronized block.

class Demo
       void Demo(String msg)
              System.out.print("[" + msg);
      } catch (InterruptedException e)

// File Name :

class Demo1 implements Runnable
      String msg;
      Demo target;
      Thread t;
      public Demo1(Demo targ, String s)
           target = targ;
           msg = s;
          t = new Thread(this);
// synchronize calls to call()

        public void run()
              synchronized(target) { // synchronized block

// File Name :

class Sample
         public static void main(String args[])
            Demo target = new Demo();
            Demo1 ob1 = new Demo1(target, "Hello");
           Demo1 ob2 = new Demo1(target, "Synchronized");
           Demo1 ob3 = new Demo1(target, "Java");

        // wait for threads to end
         try {
          } catch(InterruptedException e) {

2)synchronized method

class Demo extends Thread
        static String msg[]={"This", "is", "a", "synchronized", "variable"};
        Demo(String threadname){

     public void run()

public synchronized void display(String threadN)
        for(int i=0;i<=4;i++)
                     }catch(Exception e){}

public class Sample
         public static void main(String[] args)
                  Demo t1=new Demo("Thread One: ");
                  Demo t2=new Demo("Thread Two: ");

Inter thread communication

In thread, inter process communication is very important to avoid the polling . Polling means to check some conditions repeatedly, once condition is true then take appropriate action .But to avoid polling, inter process communication mechanism is used. It consists of wait(), notify(), notifyAll() methods. These methods are implemented as final method in Object. So all classes have them.

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