Embryology interview questions and answers


Embryology interview questions and answers

1. Which cells are produced in the first stage of embryonic development?
2. Which hormones are produced by placenta? What is their significance?
3. Explain gastrulation? What stage follows gastrulation?
4. Explain:
a.) Archenteron
b.) Blastopore
5. When are archenteron and blastopore formed?
6. What is yolk sac? How is it formed?
7. Explain the embryonic development stages after formation of blastula?
8. What is umbilical cord? and what are its functions?
9. What is Placenta? What are its functions?
10. Differentiate between amnion and chorion.
11. What are extra embryonic membranes? Nmae these layers in vertebrates.
12. Explain monozygotic and dizygotic twins.
13. Where do liver and pancreas originate from?
14. Explain:
a.) Histogenesis
b.) Organogenesis
15. Explain
a.) Pleura
b.) Pericardium
c.) Peritoneum
16. Explain the morphology of an embryo from ventral to dorsal portion after neural stage.
17. Explain Coeloms. From which germ layer does it originate?
18. Classify the animals based on the germ layers in their embryonic development.
19. Explain:
a.) Animal pole
b.) Vegetal pole
c.) Foetal pole
20. Explain notochord.

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