Which of the following ways is a in-order traversal?

- Root->left sub tree-> right sub tree
- Root->right sub tree-> left sub tree
- right sub tree-> left sub tree->Root
- left sub tree-> root->right sub tree

CORRECT ANSWER : left sub tree-> root->right sub tree

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Data Structure - Inorder Traversal

In case of binary search trees (BST), Inorder traversal gives nodes in non-decreasing order. Algorithm for inorder traversal is:
Step 1: Start from the Left Subtree.
Step 2: Then, visit the Root.
Step 3: Then, go to the Right Subtree.

So, the above answer is correct. Inorder Traversal: Left subtree -> Root -> Right subtree

Prajakta Pandit 01-31-2017 06:10 AM

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