rand() function returns a _value

- float
- any type
- integer
- both a and c above


Discussion Board
rand() returns integer value

rand() function supported in C-language & included in stdlib.h header file.

Syntax of rand() : int rand(void)

This function returns the pseudo-random integer number in the range 0 to Rand_Max.

Rand_Max value varies between predetermined range & It is granted to be at least 32767(range of int).

Sapna 02-15-2017 01:32 AM

rand() Function

Question is valid for Java Programming

Venkat 11-24-2014 07:12 AM

rand() function

- This function returns a pseudo-random integral number.
- This number is in the range 0 to RAND_MAX

Aparna 07-5-2013 04:02 AM

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