Which of the following library function below by default aborts the program?

- terminate()
- end()
- abort()
- exit()

CORRECT ANSWER : terminate()

Discussion Board
Right Answer

The right answer is terminate() it aborts the program By default.
same answer in the GIG

Sharique Shaikh 02-16-2021 09:32 AM

Answer to all questions are wrong

Nearly all the question''s answer are wrong on this site.
So avoid this site.

Bhai 03-29-2018 12:22 PM

C++ - std::terminate()

std::terminate is automatically called in a C++ program when there is an unhandled exception. By default, terminate() calls abort(). You can set a custom handle with set_terminate() function. This is essentially the C++ equivalent to abort, assuming that you are reporting all your exceptional errors by means of throwing exceptions. This calls a handler that is set by the std::set_terminate function, which by default simply calls abort.

Prajakta Pandit 01-23-2017 06:57 AM


I agree the answer is incorrect because C++ is case sensitive, so, it whiuld be std::terminate.

Juan 02-27-2015 03:19 PM

Terminate is incorrect

C++ is a case-sensitive language. This means that Terminate() and terminate() are two different functions. So, the answer is incorrect.

kusumo 01-12-2015 01:51 PM

Terminate() is the right answer

exit() can be called to end the program, but std::terminate is used by C++ run-time to abort the program, in case of exception. check this link http://en.cppreference.com/w/cpp/error/terminate

Nancy 09-3-2014 12:43 PM


std::terminate is what is automatically called in a C++ program when there is an unhandled exception. This is essentially the C++ equivalent to abort, assuming that you are reporting all your exceptional errors by means of throwing exceptions. This calls a handler that is set by the std::set_terminate function, which by default simply calls abort.

akash 02-26-2014 12:14 PM

Default terminate the program

Sir, its right answer is exit() function. Because i check in TURBO C compiler library ,in which no any terminate function is present ..... so , check this answer...

pankaj 02-13-2014 01:12 PM

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