Can getch() be used to echo the input?

- Yes
- No


Discussion Board

-No, getch() function cannot used to echo the input. To echo() the input getche() function is used.

-getch() function is used to hold the output screen till you press any key from keyboard, while using Turbo C or CPP compiler.

-If you do not use this function, then also your program runs & output is printed on screen, but you cannot see output screen. At a time you can see output screen manually. (window --> user screen).

Sapna 02-15-2017 03:54 AM

getch() in c

getch() is used to get a character from console but does not echo to the screen.

Sudeepta Roy 11-2-2016 02:03 PM


getch() used to hold the compiler to read the next line the next line will not execute until it gets a character as an input.

Sahil Masroor 11-17-2014 11:58 PM

A option is correct

i dont know the

anonymous 09-26-2014 01:28 PM

getch() in C

And related to the question above, I would add that if you want an echoed input you must use getche().

Federico 04-26-2014 01:14 PM

getch() in C

- This function prompts the user to press a character which is not printed on the screen.
- The header file of getch is conio.h

Aparna 07-5-2013 05:44 AM

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