Which of the Java bean tags is used to show the bean value on the web page?

- < bean:define>
- < bean:message>
- < bean:show>
- < bean:write>

CORRECT ANSWER : < bean:write>

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bean:write is used to show the bean value on the web page. It renders the value of the specified bean property to the current JspWriter. It renders to the current JspWriter as a String using the following ways:

1) If format attribute exists then value will be formatted on base of format string from format attribute and default system locale.
2) If in resources exists format string for value data type (view format attribute description) then value will be formatted on base of format string from resources.
3) Resources bundle and target locale can be specified with bundle and locale attributes. If nothing specified then default resource bundle and current user locale will be used.
4) If there is a PropertyEditor configured for the property value's class, the getAsText() method will be called or else toString() conversions will be applied.

Rohit Sharma 10-15-2014 02:39 PM

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