How many keywords are available in Java?

- 30
- more than 50
- 48
- 50


Discussion Board
exact answer

As of Java 1.5, there are 50 keywords defined, 48 of which are used (const and goto are unusable keywords)so itz 48 and its correct....

suchismita 04-18-2015 09:03 AM

Wrong ans

Java has 50 keywords java 1.8 onward

mateen 12-18-2014 03:03 PM

java keyword

In java2 there are 49 keyword and java5 there is 50 keyword

Pawan 01-13-2014 03:49 AM

wrong answer

in java there r 50 keywords and 4 reserved words.

sravan & praveen 12-4-2013 04:52 AM

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