How to read a character from the keyboard and will store it in the variable a.

- a = getchar( stdin );
- a = getchar();
- a = getc();
- getchar( &a )
- getc( &a );

CORRECT ANSWER : a = getchar();

Discussion Board

getchar() reads the character from standard input stream 'stdin'.
Syntax- int getchar(void);
getc() also reads the character from stdin, option contains a=getc(void) then also it is true.
From above options a=getchar(); is the only valid option.

Sapna 02-15-2017 07:27 AM

Read a charachter from console.

Answer : getchar().

getchar(). This function will accept a character from the console, displays immediately while typing and we need to press the "Enter" key for proceeding.

Jayesh Sonar 02-24-2015 05:15 AM

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