Explain the feature of stack.

- stack cannot reuse its memory
- All elements are of different data types
- All operations are at one end
- Any element can be accessed from it directly

CORRECT ANSWER : All operations are at one end

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data srtucture and algorithums

-stack is Linear data structure.
-which is operate in filo or lifo manner i.e. last in first out
-stack is full when the top which is the pointer points to the size of stack -1
-stack is empty when the top points to -1
-operations of stack are

korina 08-5-2015 02:19 AM

Stack in C

- A Stack is a linear data structure in which a data item is inserted and deleted at one end.
- It is a LIFO structure.
- Writing to stack is called 'Push'.
- Removing an item from stack is called 'Pop'

Aparna 07-5-2013 08:28 AM

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