Automation testing

What is automation testing? Can automating a test improve the effectiveness of test?

Test Automation is execution of testcases with help of softwares like Winrunner, QTP, Selenium to compare the actual results with expected outcomes, by setting up preconditions or checkpoints. Automation testing is often used in regression testing than progression testing. Its quite reliable and provides better results when used on the applications or system which is quite stable. Otherwise it would be laborious and time consuming.

Yes, Automating a test makes the test process:

1. Fast
2. Reliable
3. Repeatable
4. Programmable
5. Reusable
6. Comprehensive
Various automation tools
There are quite lot of Automation tools available in market. Notable and reliable tools as follows................
How to plan test automation?
Success in test automation requires careful planning and design approach. It includes................
Automation testing and manual testing
Automation cannot replace manual testing. Manual testing is more effective in Progression....................
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