8 Tips to give productive criticism

Someone said, criticism is like a bitter medicine which is difficult to give and taken but is extremely helpful.

It is difficult to give criticism because the receiver usually feels vulnerable and turns defensive. The giver has to handle both his and the other party’s emotions while ensuring that the purpose of communication is met.

If you are the one to perform the role of criticism giver, here are some tips to deliver it effectively and productively:

1.Tell yourself, it will be useful for the receiver:
As a giver of criticism you may feel anxious. Tell yourself that this criticism is for the betterment of receiver and it will help in improving the situation. This helps you control your own emotions.

2.Ensure that the time and place is right:
Place and time play an extremely important role in receptivity of criticism. Make sure that you do not choose a public place where the receiver feels more vulnerable or insulted. At the same time, criticising at your own place or their place might demonstrate your aggression towards the other person – this may make then turn hostile. Choose a common place where both of you are comfortable like the conference room of your office rather than the canteen, your cabin or their cabin.

Similarly, right timing ensures that the person is more receptive to what you say. Avoid getting into a criticism discussion when the person has just come or is about to leave the office. If a person is busy with some extremely important work, he is likely to be less receptive.

So, set up a good time convenient to both of you for the discussion.

3.Protect the other person’s feelings
Ensure that the purpose of criticism is not to show the other person down. Being observant and protective about the other person’s feelings makes the person more receptive, keeps the situation under control and gets the desired results.

However, if the purpose of criticism is to disparage the other person, it is not productive criticism and you must re-consider this.

4.Focus on required improvements
Keep the focus of your discussion on the outcome you expect to see out of the discussion.

5.Focus on the particular behaviour you are criticising
Ensure that you keep the discussion focussed on the particular behaviour you are criticising rather than the person. Take a note of the behaviour and harm it has caused, citing particular examples.

While preparing for the criticism meeting ask yourself – has this particular behaviour really affected the business? How? And focus your discussion on them rather then venting out all the frustration.
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  • RE: 8 Tips to give productive criticism -CareerRide (10/22/11)
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  • RE: 8 Tips to give productive criticism -Kiran p (10/22/11)
  • 6. Manage your own emotions:
    If the receiver of criticism is non-receptive, you might feel angry. Similarly, if the other person starts feeling ashamed about the criticism you may feel that you caused the grief. Tune into your feelings and control your emotions. Infact, you can anticipate certain things before the meeting and prepare yourself to face them.

    7.End on a positive note:
    Your purpose of criticising is a positive outcome. Ensure that you finish the discussion on a positive note. You may have to be flexible with the approach to done to adjust to the other person’s requirements while focussing on the outcome. Set up some mutually acceptable targets to measure the outcome agreed upon.

    8.Assess the changes:
    Assess the changes that transpire to measure the effect of criticism meeting.