Data warehousing Security

Data warehousing Security

1) Which activities get affected by security measures.
A) User access
B) Data load and Data movement
C) Query generation
D) All mentioned above
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ANSWER: D) All mentioned above

2) Adding security features affect the performance of the data warehouse, therefore it is important to determine the security requirements as early as possible.
A) True
B) False
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3) Is it easy to add security features after the data warehouse has gone live.
A) Yes
B) No
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4) Network security is as important as other securities. We cannot ignore the network security requirement. Which of the following issues considered?
A) Is it necessary to encrypt data before transferring it to the data warehouse?
B) Are there restrictions on which network routes the data can take?
C) Both A & B
D) None of the above
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ANSWER: C) Both A & B

5) Testing the data warehouse is a complex and lengthy process. Adding security to the data warehouse also affects the testing time complexity.
A) True
B) False
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6) Adding security to the data warehouse also affects the testing time complexity. It affects the testing in which way from the following?
A) It will increase the time required for integration and system testing.
B) There is added functionality to be tested which will increase the size of the testing suite.
C) Both A & B
D) None of the above
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ANSWER: C) Both A & B

7) A separate security document is required for security testing. This document contains a list of disallowed operations and devising tests for each.
A) True
B) False
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8) Auditing is a subset of security, a costly activity. Auditing can cause heavy overheads on the system.
A) True
B) False
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9) Audit requirements can be categorized as follows:
A) Connections and Disconnections
B) Data access and Data change
C) Both A & B
D) None of the above
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ANSWER: C) Both A & B

10) The audit and security requirements need to be properly documented. This will be treated as a part of justification.
A) Yes
B) No
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11) Adding security features affect the performance of the data warehouse, therefore it is important to determine the security requirements as early as possible.
A) True
B) False
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12) When the data is loaded into the data warehouse, what are the questions raised?
A) Where is the flat file stored?
B) Who has access to that disk space?
C) Who has access to tapes?
D) Both A & B
E) Both B & C
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ANSWER: D) Both A & B

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