Eastern or Western - Which parenting style is better?

Eastern or Western - Which parenting style is better?

'There is no school equal to a decent home and no teacher equal to a virtuous parent' – Gandhi. Kids are molded by how parents treat their kids, and the parenting style. Parenting style refers to the ways of raising kids which affects their academic achievement, self-confidence, aggression, psychological strength, and capacity to cope with real-life challenges. There has always been debate about the seemingly opposite parenting styles seen in the eastern and western households. Eastern style is seen to be more authoritarian, strict and demanding as opposed to the western style which seems lenient and permissive. So which one is actually better?

Eastern –

1. Performances in academics show that children from eastern background outperform their peers from western background. This is attributed to their parents’ authoritarian parenting style.

2. Western style focuses more on protecting the kid. Eastern style too protects the kids but also tries to expose the kids to difficult situations, hoping that they would learn through such situations.

3. However, kids who are protected from difficult problems and tasks (as in western style), do not develop what psychologists call ‘mastery experiences’. Such 'mastery experiences' tend to make kids optimistic and decisive and make them think as being capable of overcoming great and difficult challenges. Thus eastern style sometimes gets an edge in this section, as exposure to challenging and difficult situation helps cultivate the confidence for facing the future problems.

4. Kids who are overprotected become weaklings and are unable to handle challenges and hard work needed to survive in a tough world.

5. Authoritarian parents strongly believe that their kids can be the best in school. So the parents push the kids to excel more. That extra push helps, as encouragement with discipline has known to produce good results be it in any part of the world and in any field.

6. Kids who are not pushed by their parents to work hard tend to grow up to be underachievers or slackers.

7. Authoritarian parents consider preparing their kids for the future as the most important goal. The kids are trained to work hard, have great skills, discipline and have inner confidence that no one can take away.

8. The Japanese, Chinese and Indians are excellent examples of this parenting style. Many achievers and stalwarts have been produced in this environment.

Western –

1. The culture of permissive parenting helps kids grow up with the ability to think creatively and be innovative. The entrepreneurial attitude in western countries has been a product of this parenting style. Most of the Fortune Global 500 companies are from western countries.

2. It involves listening to kids and developing their potential without forcing them to obey authority. Being free to pursue what they want, they are able to think outside the box.

3. More of the decision making rests with the children in Western homes. Individuality is of high importance in this style of parenting.

4. Kids who are raised by permissive parents are happier and tend to have less psychological issues.

5. They have freedom of thought and action right from an early age which helps them understand the consequences of actions by first hand experiences and not just by lectures of parents which is seen in the eastern style.

6. Kids in western homes tend to be more assertive and aggressive because they grow up not as blind followers but persons who are masters and creators of their fate.

7. Western parents worry about their children's self-esteem and try to make them emotionally and mentally comfortable as compared to the eastern style where achievement along with emotional and mental strength/toughness takes precedence over comfort.

8. Many kids who are raised by authoritarian parents show sign of psychological problems like depression and anxiety, and some even resort to suicide. They sometimes can’t take the pressure put on them by the parents.

9. Kids who are raised to be submissive tend not to form their own ideas and opinions, and have a subservient attitude. This largely affects brain development, maturity and creativity.

10. Kids, for whom high grades in school are given as primary objective by their parents, only become good in rote learning, and they lack creativity, imagination and innovation.

It just goes to show that there are lots of ways to raise a kid and achieve success and happiness for the child. There must be a balance between the two styles. And the only way to find the balance is to understand our own kids. When we understand them, know their strengths and weaknesses, we can concoct a mix of both parenting styles to suit our needs. One-size-fit-all solution is hardly useful as achievers and losers are found on both sides. The purpose of parenting is to benefit the children and aid their development.
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  • RE: Eastern or Western - Which parenting style is better? -Mayura (03/23/16)
  • Being parent is a god gift, many say. But being a good parent depends upon our own skills and approach.

    Eastern Parenting Style: Eastern parenting style comes with their living style. In the Eastern part of the world or in eastern countries, parents are more open towards their kids. Kids become independent at a very early age. Parents pamper their children but also there is always a fine line between them and the kids. When the kids grow up they start living independently and they are free to take decisions for their life.

    Western Parenting Style: In western countries, people are more family focused. The culture of joint family is still alive. Parents help children in majority of their activities. There is discipline along with love. They are made independent but along with that family values are also nurtured.

    I feel that both the parenting styles comes with its own pros and cons. We can always choose the better things from both the styles and see what works for use. At the end of the life, nurturing a happy and a satisfied child is always important.
  • RE: Eastern or Western - Which parenting style is better? -Abc123 (03/20/16)
  • Great points made, but it seems like the first half of the article made Western parenting appear withdrawn from reality. Let me see if I can change your mind:
    Eastern parenting really stresses success and parents seem more terrified of failure. Western parents allow their kids to fail, seeing it as a part of growth. When Easterners are being strict, they are really trying to withdraw their kids from real-life difficulties, making sure that they don't suffer. Western parents allow their kids to develop that resilience to failure so in real life, they're used to it.
    So think: West vs East, NOW who's the one shying away from reality and protecting their kids from difficult situations.
  • RE: Eastern or Western - Which parenting style is better? -Deepak choudhary (11/08/15)
  • Parenting style depends upon the conditions , infrastructure , demands and circumstances of the life of the individuals, so according to me the life style addopted in eastern on western areas are best according to their conditions and needs! !!!!!!!
  • RE: Eastern or Western - Which parenting style is better? -Deepa Kaushik (10/27/15)
  • Parenting in itself is a great art. It is an inborn aptitude that every individual attains when they reach the period of parenthood in their lives. No two individuals can be compared for their parenting virtues. Every child is different in itself and so are the parents. parenting gets altered with the prevailing situation and circumstances, the environment, the behaviour of the child and the requirement of the family. Every parent dreams to fulfil all the dreams and desires of their children. On a larger scale, parenting has been visualized under two channels viz. western and eastern style across the globe.

    Parenting is seen to have some basic changes and differences when compared between the western and eastern parts of the globe. This could be due to the outlook, the culture, the requirements, the available resources and many other things that alter the parenting styles. Both these styles have some good values that could help in a better parenting measure.

    When we talk of the western style, they are more lenient in their outlook for life. They provide the warmth and affection to a certain extent so as to make the child comfortable and stand up on their legs. With every lesson of life that they impart their children, they stand up by them for an opportunity or two for their children to grasp the technique and then let them to grow on their own. They teach their children to be more confident, more self-reliant and independent. Along with these they do teach them the good moral and culture by way of self example.

    On the other hand, eastern style is more covered and protective. They extend more warmth and affection to make a emotional bond which they outweigh to any other aspect. The eastern style gives more protective shell to the children till a later part of the life and provides them morality, cultural values and most importantly emotional support which acts as a backbone for the child in various stages of life.

    Parenting can not be called all good or bad. The more we try to take good values from different styles, better would be the upbringing of the child.