English Or Vernacular Medium Schools: What Is Your Choice?

English Or Vernacular Medium Schools: What Is Your Choice?

Before starting the debate, let us understand what vernacular language is? In simple terms, it can be defined as a local language spoken by a community in a particular region. Vernacular medium schools tend to use native or local language to impart education. As per the latest data, the count of vernacular medium schools is dropping rapidly in India. In addition, a large number of these schools are being converted into English medium schools. Let us discuss today, English Medium Schools Or Vernacular Medium Schools: What Is Your Choice?

Vernacular Medium Schools

- The best way to make children learn is to teach them in their native language. They don’t feel burdened and learn difficult concepts effortlessly in their mother tongue.

- A number of developed nations don’t use English, but their native language to impart education to children. Education in English is not the only way to growth.

- Children should be treated like humans and not like robots. They will even love to learn history if they get a chance to learn it in their native language.

- When it comes to English, children can always have a good hold on it by having it as a subject in their curriculum. However, rest of the subjects can be taught in vernacular language.

- English is not the one and only way to achieve success. Some outsourcing assignments cannot define the destiny of all the people. As a matter of the fact, it is only the proximity with the culture that defines the real strength of a nation.

- India lacks skilled teachers, and therefore changing the instruction medium can solve the entire problem. Also, it should be noted that over 75% of population in India doesn’t speak English.

English Medium Schools

- English tops the list of languages understood by inhabitants from different states and castes, and therefore English medium schools are a better alternative over vernacular medium schools.

- There is a big difference between India and other developed nations. When it comes to India it is a home to many languages. Therefore, it would be difficult to decide the single language that should be used as a medium of instruction in vernacular medium schools.

- It would become extremely difficult for students to cope with the increasing competition if they don’t get their education in English.

- The subject knowledge is important but it is also important to apply that language in real world. And in today’s world, English is must to excel your knowledge and skills.

- Learning in vernacular medium schools can have two types of effects on students. Either they can feel biased towards their native language, or they can feel diffident of being educated in vernacular medium school.


Vernacular medium schools are more focused on imparting education in mother tongue. They believe in the concept that native language is psychologically important, particularly to children. It helps in developing individual perspective as thought and language are connected. At the same time vernacular language is equally important in socio-cultural arena. The use of native language as teaching medium enhances cognitive abilities. If the vernacular medium schools can make their students excel in English language, then in all the aspects, vernacular medium schools are a better option over English medium schools.
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  • RE: English Or Vernacular Medium Schools: What Is Your Choice? -Rupak Giri (07/12/24)
  • I thinks in kids age vernacular language helps the students to grip the concept of any content may be difficult or easy , but when it comes to an professional prospect like job interview to any competitive exam English is mandatory, so no disrespect to any language vernacular language helps to express the thought but English language help to explore more and more throughout the world
  • pgtjdhpduo -blkimyaaw (10/03/23)
  • http://dokobo.ru/tyn-careerride.com-qwr.xml
  • RE: English Or Vernacular Medium Schools: What Is Your Choice? -Nadir Mohammed (09/13/15)
  • Our existence depends upon our culture , our culture is linked with our language .If our language gets burried our existence also get burried . Our great books like Vedas, Ramayana,Kamasutra etc are in our own language what about them?
  • RE: English Or Vernacular Medium Schools: What Is Your Choice? -abhinay dadwal (09/06/15)
  • As we all know all higher studies are in English . And stdents comes from vernacular medium schools found difficulties when it comes to study in English. So English medium school are better option to study
  • RE: English Or Vernacular Medium Schools: What Is Your Choice? -Mukesh kalambe (09/06/15)
  • as we know that english is important world wide,.and also when u go for higher education afer the schooling u need to use english from base...when u will go for giving presentaion ans convincing foreghners u need to use english
  • RE: English Or Vernacular Medium Schools: What Is Your Choice? -Deepa Kaushik (09/04/15)
  • Standard of any school does not depend on its medium. The way theyimpart education to the students, the qualification of the teachers, trained teachers and the staff, infrastructure of the school, these things widely decide the standard of the school. Still, the medium of education is not a minor factor to be overlooked.

    It would be always preferable to impart education in the local slang which would be more clarifying to the kids in every way. It becomes difficult for a toddler to understand, learn, grasp and apply multiple languages at such a tiny age. It takes extra efforts to makethwem viable to match the expectations of the school. In this highly competitive age, parents often fail to teach their mother tongue, and so the children fail to understand the importance of mother-tongue. All they know is the language they study at school. We are in the need of hour to impart the value of mother-tongue and teach to have respect for the same.

    Still, when it comes to medium of education, it should be uniform across the country. We cannot simply compare our country with others who have a single language which they use as local language and consider it to be medium for educating their students. On the other side, we have our nation having a lot many dialects with varying states and culture. Each language carries its own importance, but children end up in confusion when it comes to apply the language in life.

    When we need a uniform language for our country, it could be English. Though we can consider Hindi for the same, taking our national language to be a uniform platform. But, when wehave English at every form and application and the same is used universally, then there is no harm in continuing English as the medium of education. Still, vernacular language should be understood with the definition to have uniformity across the nation.
  • RE: English Or Vernacular Medium Schools: What Is Your Choice? -Krishna (09/01/15)
  • If globalization is an important concern then English medium school must be preferred but if vernacular schools are able to give knowledge and skills to communicate in English also then one must opt vernacular medium school.