IMPETUS Placement Paper- Technical questions from previous years

IMPETUS Placement Paper- Technical questions from previous years


10 Questions: General Aptitude
30 Questions: Technical Based

The time limit for the paper is set at 40 minutes and there is no negative marking.

Technical Questions:
1. Banker’s algorithm finds its use in?

A. Deadlock Avoidance
B. Deadlock Handling
C. Deadlock Prevention
D. None of these

2. The software which supports the functioning of other programs and runs on a dedicated hardware is called?

A. Operating System
B. System Software
C. Control Panel
D. Application program

3. A characteristic of terminals which are generated by the following CFG:

S a XY
X a aX | bY | a
Y a Ya | Yb | a

A. Contains at least one b
B. It should end in an a
C. There are at least 2 a’s
D. There are no consecutive a’s and b’s

4. What is the depth of an n node complete binary tree?

A. Log(n+1)-1
B. Log(n)
C. Log(n-1)+1
D. Log(n) +1

5. Which of these has a higher priority:

C. Both have equal priorities
D. Depends on the condition

6. Compiler is responsible for?

A. Conversion of file type
B. Storing temporary address
C. Sending serial data
D. Conversion of High Level Language to machine language

7. Which of these cannot be considered as a process?

A. CPU Register
B. Counter
C. Memory Management Info.
D. None

8. FTP works on the port no.?

A. 23
B. 27
C. 80
D. 21

9. How many types of JDBC drivers are present?

A. 2
B. 3
C. 4
D. 5

10. Which of these is used in recursion?

A. Binary Tree
B. Linked List
C. Queue
D. Stack

11. In a union which sort of variables are not used?

A. Constants
B. Extern
C. Static
D. None

12. FSM is able to recognize _______ ?

A. All sorts of grammar
B. Only CFG
C. Any sort of unambiguous grammar
D. Only regular sort of grammar

13. You can recognise a CSG by?

D. LDMM (Linearly bounded memory machine)

14. Which of these transversal techniques arranges all the nodes of a binary tree in a dedicated ascending order?

A. Post order
B. Pre order
C. In order
D. None of these

15. What will be the output of the following program?

A. 0 0 0
B. 1 1 1
C. 1 2 3
D. Compiler Error

16. If i = 5 then what will be the output of:

Printf(“%d%d%d”, ++i, i, i++)

A. 5, 6, 7
B. 6, 6, 7
C. 6, 5, 5
D. 7, 6, 5

17. Find the value of x for the following expressions:

x = 2 x j-2 x j/5
x = j/2
x = 2 x j/2
x = (2 x j)/ 2

A. 8, 5, 5, 6
B. 2,8, 4, 5
C. 8, 2, 4, 5
D. 2, 4, 5, 8

18. How many bytes of memory will be needed by the following arrays?

Char s[80]
Char s[80][10]
Int d[10]
Float d[10][5]

A. 80, 800, 10, 50
B. 80, 800, 20, 200
C. 80, 800, 20, 100
D. 80, 400, 10, 100

19. For the code mentioned below, find how many times will the printf function execute?

int i,j:
for (I = 0, I = 8 && y >2)

20. Which of the following is true regarding functions in C:

A. They need to return a value
B. Should always return an integer value
C. Should always return a float value
D. Should always return more than one value

21. Which of the following about comments on C is incorrect?

A. Comments in C can go over multiple set of lines
B. Comments in C can occur within the comments
C. A line can contain comments without use of any language statements
D. Comments can begin anywhere in a line

22. The format specified for hexadecimal in c is?

A. %h
B. %d
C. %x
D. %u

23. What is the final value of x in the program?

A. 8
B. 1
C. 3
D. 8

24. Pick the odd one out:

A. Calloc()
B. Malloc()
C. Free()
D. Realloc()

25. Which of the following is incorrect?
A recursive function:

A. Is equivalent to a loop
B. Has a condition for termination
C. Has not return value
D. Calls itself on its own

26. Cond1? Cond2? Cond3?: exp1: exp2 :exp3:exp4
This is equivalent to which of these options?

A. If cond 1
exp 1;
else if cond 2
exp 2;
else if cond 3
exp 3;
else exp 4;

B. If cond 1 && cond 2 && cond 3
Exp 1|exp2|exp3|exp 4

C. If cond 3
Exp 1;
Else if cond 2 exp 2;
Else if cond 3 exp 3
Else exp 4;

D. If cond 1
If cond 2
If cond 3
Exp 1;
Else exp 2;
Else exp 3;
Else exp 4l

27. What is the operator for exponention?

A. **
B. %
C. ^
D. Not available

28. Identify the correct expression from the following:

A. A=B=C=4;
B. A=B=C=D=0;
D. INT A; FLOAT B; A=B=3.5;

29. What will be the output of following function?

A. 1
B. 0
C. 3
D. 2

30. How will C compiler interpret the following 2 statements in C:

p= p +x;
q= q +y;

A. p = p +x
B. p = p +xq = q +y
C. p = p +xq
D. p= p +x/q= q +y
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