Reheat Cycle - MCQs with Answers
Q1. What is the purpose of reheat cycle?a. to limit the pump work
b. to decrease heat input in the Rankine cycle
c. to limit the quality of steam to 0.85 at the turbine exhaust
d. none of the above
View Answer / Hide Answer ANSWER: c. to limit the quality of steam to 0.85 at the turbine exhaust
Q2. What is the effect of reheat on the net work output of the steam power plant?a. the net work output of the steam power plant decreases with reheat because of the increase in heat addition
b. the net work output of the steam power plant increases
c. the net work output of the steam power plant does not affected by the reheat
d. cannot say
View Answer / Hide Answer ANSWER: b. the net work output of the steam power plant increases
Q3. The below diagram is the T-s diagram of the Rankine cycle with reheat.
Which process represents the reheat?a. process 1 – 2
b. process 2 – 2 ′
c. process 2 ′ – 2 ″
d. process 2 – 3 ′
View Answer / Hide Answer ANSWER: c. process 2 ′ – 2 ″
Q4. Considering the below T-s diagram of the Rankine cycle with reheat, which condition can improve the efficiency of the cycle slightly?
a. the mean temperature of heat addition in process (1 – 2) should be higher than the mean temperature of heat addition in process (2 ′ – 2 ″)
b. the mean temperature of heat addition in process (2 ′ – 2 ″) should be higher than the mean temperature of heat addition in process (1 – 2)
c. the mean temperature of heat addition in process (2 ′ – 2 ″) should be equal to the mean temperature of heat addition in process (1 – 2)
d. none of the above
View Answer / Hide Answer ANSWER: b. the mean temperature of heat addition in process (2 ′ – 2 ″) should be higher than the mean temperature of heat addition in process (1 – 2)
Q5. The reheat cycle allows steam power planta. to use higher pressure ratio
b. to maintain required quality of steam at the exit of the turbine
c. to increase the turbine work
d. all of the above
View Answer / Hide Answer ANSWER: d. all of the above