Should mobile phones be banned at workplaces?

Should mobile phones be banned at workplaces?

These days, the use of mobile phones in various places such as schools, homes and offices is a common thing. The present era is of Smartphones where the devices use is not restricted to calling or texting. These smart devices are being used for many purposes such as playing games, clicking pictures, recording videos, making presentations, social media interaction, and many more. It appears as is the devices have become a means to make life better. However, it may not be the case, and it is the reason why many companies and employers have opted to ban mobile phones at workplaces. Do you think mobile phones should be banned at workplaces?


- The use of mobile phones results in extended personal interaction during work hours. While allowing mobile phones, it becomes extremely tough for employers to continuously observe whether or not the Smartphone use is for personal or business purpose. This paves way for another form of management problem that can be shunned by banning mobile phones at workplace.

- Banning of Smartphone is a must to protect business secrets. It is a known fact that cell phones can save and transmit information in form of texts, pictures or videos. There are some businesses that need to protect their intellectual property and investment by banning these smart devices. Privileged communications cannot be copied and shared with peers by banning Smartphones.

- Smartphones results in different form of distractions in offices. Employees talking on cell phones, sharing pictures and videos, loud ringtones, and many other annoying factors calls for ban on cell phones. Banning them will result in less intrusion at the workplace.

- It is not wise to expect management and discipline from everyone. There are people who cannot limit the Smartphone use and assess the end results. Such people create a tough environment to work for, not only for themselves but also for others.


- Smartphones facilitates easier communication. The people, particularly ones who have to commute, can communicate with office personnel and associated professional people through Smartphone. These devices increase response time resulting in improved productivity.

- The use of Smartphones at workplaces helps to mitigate land line traffic. If all the staff at a workplace has to work on landlines, there can be a traffic clog and a probable shut down. Having mobile phones with different carriers’ supports wider traffic as there are low prospects to clog in one domain.

- The Smartphones are extension of personal self. By permitting these devices in the workplace, employers are permitting their staff to inject their self-sense and voice in office. This can be significantly important to workplace morale and office climate, thus resulting in better productivity and a happier employee.

- The ban of mobile phones gives birth to opposition and controversies. The groups are formed and the workplace becomes like debate platform.

- As an ethical and moral issue, it raises the impasse posed by measures to regulate behavior for all depending on the misbehavior of some people. It is equivalent to punishing the entire class or group for the mistake that few people have done. It can be stated as an infringement of personal rights of the people who do not abuse granted privileges.


It is the ethical, moral and personal right of the people to carry a mobile device, and it is also their responsibility to use it appropriately. The management may not find it easy to keep a watch on people having Smartphones at the workplaces. However, the employers can do an excellent job at distinctively pointing out when, where and how these devices are to be used. By doing so, any problems or complaints can be counter argued with a stringent set of regulations. It should be noted that the government that governs least, governs best.
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  • RE: Should mobile phones be banned at workplaces? -sudhir kumar (08/13/15)
  • No mobile phones should not be banned at work places because now cell phones are the major part of our life our more works and needs are totally depend on phones in firm at workplace if any employe wants suggetion and help from his boss he can easily contect with cell phone thus he save time and paper work ,he can mail important text,images and reports soon .If a employe does work continuosly for 4-5 hours he feels fatigue if use his phone for just 5-10 min he will recharage again.
  • RE: Should mobile phones be banned at workplaces? -varsha gupta (08/13/15)
  • no , mobile should not be bannes because in this era every person depends on mobile .now a days mobile is as the life of the people .and people can easier can connect with his friene help of mobile .in office also thera are many work or meeting which are fixed by using the the mobile phone .we can easy update the current affair . we can downlold the different app nd using the 24 hour without any problem . and if you are feel not well u esaly pass time by using mobile .nd also mobile use for the evidence in some legal cases .so mobile is very useful for us in every where wheather you are in here or outside the country . and in every organization there are many mobile phone by using employee as well as worker for use of comany work .so that without mobile no body can survive in this time. mobile works as the heartbeat of the human .
  • RE: Should mobile phones be banned at workplaces? -varsha gupta (08/13/15)
  • no , mobile should not be bannes because in this era every person depends on mobile .now a days mobile is as the life of the people .and people can easier can connect with his friene help of mobile .in office also thera are many work or meeting which are fixed by using the the mobile phone .we can easy update the current affair . we can downlold the different app nd using the 24 hour without any problem . and if you are feel not well u esaly pass time by using mobile .nd also mobile use for the evidence in some legal cases .so mobile is very useful for us in every where wheather you are in here or outside the country . and in every organization there are many mobile phone by using employee as well as worker for use of comany work .so that without mobile no body can survive in this time. mobile works as the heartbeat of the human .
  • RE: Should mobile phones be banned at workplaces? -Deepa Kaushik (08/12/15)
  • Use of mobile phones has become more of a style and fashion symbol than a requirement. Mobile phones is not the essential reuirement, but it is just the preference of the era. This world did exist even when the mobile phones were not invented. People used to get in touch with their near and dear ones, and that era had personal relationships and bonding more than the mere portrayal in the present generation.

    Use of mobile phones at work place is more of disadvantage than any profit. People tend to spend hours on their mobile apps without knowing the time spent on these wasteful things. Such long duration lapse from the working hours would defionitely lead to heavy loss for the organization. The employees need to work devitedly during their working hours for the organization to earn good profit. Employees indulging in the mobile phones with unwanted calls and texts and other social networking sites would just lead to loss of their potential.

    When we count on the profit of mobile phones in terms of its use in making presentations andother office documentation, the same prove to be threat to the organization. It might lead to the loss of confidential data which would be against the complianceof the organization and the clients for whom the organization works. Again, the features like carrying documents and making presentation is expected from those at the management level, and many of the organizations do provide with the official laptops to their employees at management level. So, there is absolutely no necessity of mobile phones at work place.

    The calls and texts could be restricted to the emergency statement if the same is received on the official landlines. Use of personal mobile phones would just lead to wasting official hours. Hence, it would be definitely a wise decision to ban mobile phones within office premises.
  • RE: Should mobile phones be banned at workplaces? -Anshuman Shukla (08/12/15)
  • No , Moblie phones should not be banned in offices because of following reasons:

    1. Mobile phones encourages smartest mode of communication as with the use of mobile phones apps like wattsapp person can comm and give their day to day report on it hassle freely.

    2.Also it is the personal liberty of a person (Article 21) of the constitution of india i.e no person is deprived of personal liberty .

    3.With the use of apps like infographics one can generate more productive presentation and in less time .

    4.Site condition view ,location and premise images can easily be send to the managers by the employees in fraction of sec thus reducing paperwork , reducing procedural time and promotes sustainable development.

    5.Last but not the least in case of emergency mobile phones are proven a boon.