Effect of DBCC CHECKDB and DBCC DBREINDEX on the Transaction log


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Effect of DBCC CHECKDB and DBCC DBREINDEX on the Transaction log

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SQL Server - effect of DBCC CHECKDB and DBCC DBREINDEX on the Transaction log - Feb 27, 2010 at 11:50 AM by Shuchi Gauri

What is the effect of DBCC CHECKDB and DBCC DBREINDEX on the Transaction log?

DBCC DBREINDEX process occurs as a single atomic transaction. This process is logged by default and attempts to write to disk whenever a CHECKPOINT or BACKUP LOG process is initiated. To accommodate space, SQL Server tries to find space in data and log files.

DBCC CHECKDB performs physical consistency check on indexed views and validates the integrity of every object in database by collecting information and there onwards scans the log for any changes made. It merges these 2 information sources to provide a single view of information as the scan ends. Affect of redo and undo of transactions:

  • Log records from transactions that commit during that time to generate redo facts.
  • Log records from transactions that rollback or don’t commit during that time are used to generate undo facts.

SQL Server - effect of DBCC CHECKDB and DBCC DBREINDEX on the Transaction log - May 05, 2009 at 22:00 PM by Rajmeet Ghai

What is the effect of DBCC CHECKDB and DBCC DBREINDEX on the Transaction log?

DBCC DBREINDEX is an offline operation is used to rebuild the indexes of a table dynamically. This operation requires enough space in the data files. If the space is not enough DBCC DBREINDEX may be unable to rebuild the indexes.

DBCC CHECKDB is used to produce a consistent view of the data by performing a physical consistency check on indexed views, validating integrity of the indexes, objects etc. in earlier versions of SQL, this required locking. Newer versions involve reading the transaction log of the oldest active transaction. REDO and UNDO of the transactions affect the volatile changes to available free space.

SQL Server - Effect of DBCC CHECKDB and DBCC DBREINDEX on the Transaction log - June 21, 2009 at 09:00 AM by Amit Satpute

DBCC DBREINDEX is an offline operation. It can be used to rebuild one or more indexes for a specific table.
The underlying table of this operation is unavailable to users of the database, while it is running.
It rebuilds indexes dynamically
During dynamic rebuild of indexes, the page density levels are restored to the original fill-factor.

DBCC CHECKDB process performs a physical consistency check on indexed views. It also validates the integrity of every object in a database by collecting the information, and then scans the log for any additional changes made, merging the two sets of information together to produce a consistent view of the data at the end of the scan.

In SQL Server 2000, the database transaction log is used and read to get a consistent view in order to run the CHECKDB online effectively.

The effect of REDO and UNDO of the transactions are as follows:

  • The committed transaction log records at respective time are used to generate REDO facts.
  • The uncommitted/roll backed transaction log records during that time are used to generate UNDO facts.


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