VB.NET frequently asked questions

Discuss about imperative and declarative security - Declarative security: Security requests are made in form of attributes......
How do we access crystal reports in .NET? - Add a new web project......
Steps to add a control to a form at run time - create and initialize a control.....
Retrieve information from the configuration file at run time
What do you understand by side-by-site execution of assembly? - Side by side execution refers to running/execution of different versions of the same assembly at the same time on the same machine.......
How do you create a resource-only assembly? - One should create a resource only assembly if you need to update the resources frequently without recompiling the whole solution......
Explain how to retrieve resources using ResourceManager class - Use ResourceManager class to retrieve resources that exist in an assembly.......
How do you install assembly to the Global Assembly Cache? - Using Gacutil.exe:eg: gacutil -i MyLibrary.dll.....
Explain how managed code slower than unmanaged code - Managed code not always is slower than unmanaged code.......
Options for stepping through code - Show next statement - step into, step over, step out.....
Explain how to filter and sort data with the DataView component - With DataView, you can expose the data in a table with different sort orders, and you can filter the data by row state or based on a filter expression......
What is DataViewManager? - A Dataset may contain multiple tables. The DataViewManager is a single object that manages .....
How to use performance monitor to diagnose bottlenecks in your application? - Click start->run and type perfmon to run performance monitor......
Configure Trace switches in the application's .config file
What is the purpose of AddHandler keyword? - Addhandler associates an event with its handler at runtime......
How to implement globalization and localization in the use interface - Application use locale to identify the language and country of the user......
How to dynamically add items to a menu in .NET
How to dynamically clone a menu in .NET
Difference between System exceptions and Application exceptions - Loi em noi cho tinh chung ta, nhu doan cuoi trong cuon phim buon. Nguoi da den nhu la giac mo roi ra di cho anh bat ngo... http://nhatquanglan1.0catch.com......
What is Native Image Generator (Ngen.exe)? - Ngen is a toll to improve performance of managed applications.....
Explain Form level validation and Field level Validation - Form level validation occurs once the user is ready to submit the form.......