Labour cost interview questions and answers

The main functions of time keeping department in managing the labour cost are as follows:...What are the different methods used for time keeping?..
Daily Time Sheets, Weekly Time Sheets, Job Card ...Job Card is a method of recording details of time with reference to the jobs or work orders undertaken by the workers…
If the company is maintaining a system of time card and job card, the problem of reconciliation becomes simple…
Excess staffing, Lack of experienced and efficient personnel, Idle time or unusual overtime wages…
Idle time indicates that time for which wages are paid to the workers but no production is obtained during that time….
If the idle time payment is normal and controllable: it should be classified as overheads …
Various methods of remunerating the workers are: Remuneration on Time Basis, Remuneration on Work Basis
Under Time Rate System, a worker is paid at a specific rate on the basis of time attended irrespective of the production achieved by him..
Taylor Differential Piece Rate System, Merrick Differential Piece Rate System , Gnatt Task Bonus System…
Hasley Premium Method, Hasley Weir Premium Method, Rewan Premium System …
Barth Payment System - Under this system, the wages payable to the workers are computed as below.
If time saved is less than 50% of the standard time: Rowan system assures more wages than those under Halsey system…
Group incentive systems is a compensation system in which a group is paid for their combined performance…
Non-monetary incentives are the benefits which are granted to the workers in the various forms, such as better working conditions….Explain Indirect Monetary Remuneration…
Labour turnover indicates changes in labour force, showing highly increasing trend or highly decreasing trend….
Methods used to calculate labour turnover: -Separation Method = (No. of separations in a period/Average number of workers)X 100…