Which of the following way or ways before is/are correct to insert DATE in a table?

- insert into Employee(Start_Date) values ('05-FEB-2005')
- insert into Employee(Start_Date) values ('FEB-05-2005')
- Both a and b
- None of the above

CORRECT ANSWER : insert into Employee(Start_Date) values ('05-FEB-2005')

Discussion Board
insert date in to table

Dan is correct ALWAYS use to_date never assume

john 01-29-2015 11:51 AM


Date is a data type default declare by oracal it is right

sanjeev mishra 12-7-2014 03:07 PM


i would not agree. i would use to_date('05-FEB-2005');

daniel 10-4-2013 10:50 AM

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