What is OAS?

- Oracle Application server
- Oracle Associated Server
- Open Application Server
- None of these

CORRECT ANSWER : Oracle Application server

Discussion Board
Oracle Application Server

- Oracle Application Server is a completely standards-based application server that provides a comprehensive and fully integrated platform for running Web sites, J2EE applications, and Web services.
- It addresses all the challenges that you face as you refine your business processes to become an e-business.
- Oracle Application Server provides full support for the J2EE platform, XML, emerging Web services, and grid standards.
- With Oracle Application Server you can simplify information access for your customers and trading partners by delivering enterprise portals, which can be customized and accessed from a network browser or from wireless devices.
- It allows you to redefine your business processes, and integrate your applications and data sources with those from your customers or partners.
- You can deliver tailored customer experiences via real-time personalization, and assess and correlate customer navigation, purchasing, ratings, and demographic data.
- Oracle Application Server allows you to save on Web site infrastructure by deploying your fast, scalable Internet applications through built-in Web caching, load balancing and clustering capabilities.

Prajakta Pandit 03-1-2017 11:05 PM

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