What is a Portlet? - Portlets are UI components that are pluggable and are managed, displayed in a web portal...
Portal architecture - Automaton Server, Image Server, Search Server, Collaboration Server, Content Server, Authentication Server and Remote Servers..
What is PortletSession interface? - User identification across many requests and transient information storage about the user is processed by PortletSession interace....
What is PortletContext interface? - The portlet view of the portlet container is defined by PortletContext. It allows the availability of resources to the portlet.....
Portals - The following are the reasons to use portals: Unified way of presenting information from diverse sources....
Types of portals, Function-based portals and User-based portals - Horizontal Portals: These are the portals are of type general interest. Yahoo!,Lycos,AOL,Freeserve,Sympatico are examples of horizontal portals....
Portal server features - Highly integrated web applications’ costs reduce by portals.....
Portal Structure Markup Language, PSML - PSML was created to allow abstraction and content structure within Jetspeed. It has two markups:..