SQL Server 2008 Data Compression


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SQL Server 2008 Data Compression

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SQL Server 2008 Data Compression - Feb 27, 2010 at 11:50 AM by Shuchi Gauri

In SQL Server 2008 Data Compression comes in two flavors: Row Compression, Page Compression. Explain them

Row Compression is used to optimize space in SQL Server regarding zeros and null values. SQL Server does not occupy any space on the disk for zeros and null values due to this feature. First one needs to apply compression on a table and then apply row compression on it. This reduces the size of the table based on the number of zeros or null values the table has.

Page Compression feature is used to compress the entire SQL Server page. It is only applied when the page is full. Page compressions uses dictionary mechanism to store commonly used data in a column. Eg: if a column has to store abc, abcd, abcde then it ends up storing 1,1d,1de which saves up to 30% of space.

SQL Server 2008 Data Compression - May 05, 2009 at 22:00 PM by Rajmeet Ghai

In SQL Server 2008 Data Compression comes in two flavors: Row Compression, Page Compression. Explain them

SQL allocates 4 bytes for an integer data type irrespective whether the number is small or large. Row compression is used for a better space allocation of data. Using row compression, only the required bytes are allocated to store a value.

Page compression can be either prefix compression or dictionary compression. Page compression looks for column values with a common beginning compared to the data page. Example, when the first name is stored in a column, using prefix compression, the data page is likely to have all first names starting with the same character.

Dictionary compression is applied after prefix compression. It looks for repeating column values in the page. The page header has the representative of the repeated value.

SQL Server 2008 Data Compression - May 18, 2009 at 10:00 AM by Rajmeet Ghai

What is Data Compression?

Data compression is mainly used to save storage and increase query performance by minimizing i/o operations.

SQL server 2008 supports two types of compression mechanisms:-

Row level- Allocates storage of the values of columns, based on the nature of values. This means that the fixed length data types are stored as variable length. For e.g. Data type Char(50) will occupy 50 characters for storage irrespective of the size or characters of the value.

Page level – This level of Compression values are stored in a non repeated from in a page and “referred” to in other pages for any occurrences. It makes use of Column Prefix and Dictionary Compression. When Column prefix is used, all values in the page has similar prefixes. For eg.ALL names like John, Johnson will be stored in the same page.

SQL Server 2008 Data Compression - June 21, 2009 at 09:00 AM by Amit Satpute

In SQL SERVE 2008 Data Compression comes in two flavors: Row Compression, Page Compression. Explain them

Row compression changes the format of physical storage of data.

Enabling row compression minimize the metadata associated with each record and the Numeric data types and fixed length strings are stored in variable-length storage format like Varchar.

MAXDOP: The maximum number of processors to be used during compression operation.

Page Compression
Page compression allows common data to be shared between rows for a given page. Its uses Row compression, Prefix Compression and Dictionary Compression to compress data:

  • Prefix Compression. For every column in a page duplicate prefixes are identified, saved in compression information headers and A reference number is assigned to these prefixes which replaces the prefixes where ever they occur.
  • Dictionary Compression. Duplicate values are searched through out the page and stored in CI.


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