CPI falls by 4.87% in April 2015

Q.  By what percent, Consumer Price Index (CPI) fell in the month of April 2015 as against 8.48 percent in April last year due to decline in the prices of food articles?
- Published on 14 May 15

a. 4.87%
b. 2.56%
c. 3.14%
d. 2.90%

ANSWER: 4.87%
The inflation for March 2015 was at 5.11 percent. Data released by Ministry of Statistics and Programme Implementation on 12th May’15 mentioned that Inflation in food items like pulses and products was recorded at 12.52 percent highest in the category. Milk and its products registered a price hike of 8.21 percent , Spices at 8.7 percent. Whereas the inflation in vegetables and meat stood at 6.63 percent and 5.50 percent. The ministry also said that the rural inflation stood at 5.37 percent whereas urban centres registered CPI of 4.36 percent.

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