IVF and frozen embryo successfully used to establish pregnancy for livestock in India

Q.  Which state has launched the JVBovaGenix which will create IVF embryos from indigenous cattle breeds?
- Published on 21 Jul 16

a. Madhya Pradesh
b. Chattisgarh
c. Uttar Pradesh
d. Uttarakhand

ANSWER: Chattisgarh
For the first time, in-vitro fertilisation technique and frozen embryo have been successfully used to establish pregnancy in livestock in India.
  • This is a major breakthrough for genetically improving, conserving and propagating indigenous cow breeds.
  • JK BovaGenix will focus on producing IVF embryos on a large scale from indigenous cattle breeds.
  • Establishment of pregnancies through frozen embryo for the first time in India and the centre’s 28 cows with 14 pregnancies through UVF and 14 through frozen IVF embryos in the three months since inception has also been a success.
  • In IVF technique, ova is aspirated manually from the donor mother’s ovary and them combined with the semen to develop an ova into an embryo which can be frozen and preserved.
  • Embryos can be transplanted into recipient mothers to produce live calves.

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