Kashmiri red stag Hangul to get IUCN protection

Q.  What is the Kashmiri red stag also known as?
- Published on 18 Oct 16

a. Kanguli
b. Hanguli
c. Hangul
d. Kangul

ANSWER: Hangul
Kashmiri red stag Hangul to get IUCN protectionThe magnificent Kashmiri Red Stag or Hangul could finally get some protection with IUCN all set to declare it a critically endangered species.
  • Known for its giant antlers bearing 11 to 16 points, Hangul has been hunted over the centuries and its habitat destroyed, leading to its population in the wild plunging to a mere 150
  • IUCN is the biggest international body assessing threat levels to flora and fauna
  • Merging with two other species red deers from China’s Tarim Mountains has not worked for aiding conservation efforts
  • Critically endangered status of the Hangul will most likely to be completed by December 2016
  • It is listed under Schedule 1 of the Indian Wildlife (Protection) Act 1972 and the J&K Wildlife (Protection) Act 1978 and has been listed among the top 15 species of high conservation priority by the Government of India
  • As per the Bombay Natural History Society, Kashmir’s Hangul population numbered 3,000 to 5,000 around the year 1900
  • A 2015 census carried out by Kashmir’s forest department indicated it could be the lowest at 110-130 in Dachigam.

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