AOP design solutions


AOP desgin solutions


Spring 2.5 Aspect Oriented Programming, AOP

Chapter 5
Design with AOP

This chapter excerpt from Spring 2.5 Aspect Oriented Programming by Massimiliano Dessì, is printed with permission from Packt Publishing, Copyright 2007.


In this chapter, we're going to examine some design decisions that are important for building better applications. In these design decisions, the AOP plays a signifi cant role because it provides smart solutions to common crosscutting problems.

We will look at the following AOP design solutions:

Concurrency with AOP 
Transparent caching with AOP 
Security with AOP

Designing and implementing an enterprise Java application means not only dealing with the application core business and architecture, but also with some typical enterprise requirements.

We have to defi ne how the application manages concurrency so that the application is robust and does not suffer too badly from an increase in the number of requests. We have to defi ne the caching strategies for the application because we don't want CPU- or data-intensive operations to be executed over and over.

We have to defi ne roles and profi les, applying security policies and restricting access to application parts, because different kinds of users will probably have different rights and permissions. All these issues require writing additional code that clutters our application business code and reduces its modularity and maintainability.

But we have a choice. We can design our enterprise Java application keeping AOP in mind. This will help us to concentrate on our actual business code, taking away all the infrastructure issues that can otherwise be expressed as crosscutting concerns.

This chapter will introduce such issues, and will show how to design and implement solutions to them with Spring 2.5 AOP support.


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