HTML interview questions and answers part 3


HTML interview questions and answers part 3

Part 1   Part 2   Part 3   Part 4   Part 5

15. What does the elements mean in syntax given for URL in HTML?

URL stands for Uniform Resource locater. This helps just like the Internet pooling concept where the people recognize themselves and others people connected together with each other. URL allows a document to be located on World Wide Web (www). The example of the URL is as follows with the complete element:
This code has got with no meaning but there are some elements that are defined:
• scheme- is the type of internet service. In this HTTP can be used which has to most common type.
• Host – it is used to control the host name and fetch the information from other templates as well.
• Domain – it defines the internet domain that is
• :port – it defines the port number on the Host where the default port that is being used is 80.
• path – this defines the path of the server that consists of a hierarchical directory structure.
• filename- it defines the unique name for the file or the document that saves it.

16. How to add helper plug-ins on the webpage using HTML?

A helper application is a program that is used in the browser to help the users with lots of information that is not being provided with the applications. These helper application is known as Plug-ins. Helper application includes audio, video, etc. The tag that is used to embed is <object>. Helper application allows easy incorporation of audio and video that is controlled by the user. Helper application allow the control over the volume setting and other functions like play, stop,etc.
<object width="420" height="360"
<param name="src" value="hello.wav" />
<param name="controller" value="true" />

17. What is the purpose of canvas in HTML?

Canvas is an element that is used for the graphics for the web page. It uses JavaScript to bring the graphics functionality live. It allows easy way to draw the graphics and use different types of tools to create drawing on the web page. Canvas is just a rectangular area that controls the pixel of every element that is used in the web page. Canvas uses methods like paths, circles, etc. The canvas element will be used as follows:
<canvas id="can" width="200" height="100"></canvas>
The canvas element includes id, width and height settings and with the javascript it gets used like:

<script type="text/javascript">
var c=document.getElementById("can");
var ctx=c.getContext("2d");

18. What is the purpose of iframe in HTML?

Iframe is called as inline frame that places one HTML document in a frame. It is different from the object element as the inline frame can be made in the target frame. The target frame consists of the links that is defined by other elements used in the web page. Iframe is used to focus on printing or viewing of the source. Iframe can be used by the user in those browser that supports it. If they have used iframe also then the incompatible browser won't display the actual but display of the alternative text will take place. The content of the iframe is being written in between <iframe>...... </iframe>. The sample example is given below:
<iframe src=""></iframe>

19. What are the different types of frames tags used in HTML?

Frames allow the display of the document visually. It allows the window to be split into segments that can contain multiple different documents. It can utilize many resources and repeat some parts of the layout that can be used in a frame. Frames consists of different types of tags and they are as follows:
<frameset>...</frameset>: it consists of the frames that includes the layout using the attributes of rows and cols.
<frame> or <frame/>: it conists of a single frame and gets included within the frameset. It is always come up with a src attribute that provides the source that has to be shown in a particular frame.
<noframes>...</noframes>: it consists of the normal HTML content that is used to show no frames.
<iframe>...</iframe>: it consists of internal frame that will contain the src attribute to include the frame that is internal to a particular region.

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