
Oracle tutorials
Oracle processes, memory area, constraints, error handling, functions, procedure, package, sub queries, triggers, views etc......

Sql server tutorials
Sql server cursor, replication, architecture, constraints, indexes, locks, optimization, reporting services, stored procedures etc.........

Java tutorials
Java objects, classes & methods , overloading and overriding, abstract classes, sockets, applets, EJB, Servlets, threading etc.......

ASP.NET tutorials
.NET assembly, ASP.NET application life cycle, server control events, application and session state variables, .NET Code security etc....

VB.NET tutorials
.Net framework, assembly, code security, common language runtime, garbage collection, debug and trace, .Net data type, web services etc....

C#.NET tutorials
.Net data type, .Net assembly, framework, .Net mobile technology, .Net compact framework, Net using xml, Net delegates and events etc...

.NET Remoting tutorials
.Net remoting architecture, remotable and non-remotable objects in .Net remoting, type of remotable objects in .Net remoting, types of activation modes etc....

Web service tutorials
Web Service overview, UDDI, DISCO and WSDL, steps to get a proxy object of a web service at the client side?, process of communication between client and web service etc......

ADO.NET tutorials
ADO.NET overview, ADO.NET vs ADO, ADO.NET Data Architecture, Type of database connection in ADO.NET, connected and disconnected data access in ADO.NET etc....

UML tutorials
Use Case diagrams, Class diagrams, Object diagrams, Activity diagrams, State chart diagrams, Packages & model management, Enterprise Architecture etc......

AJAX tutorials
Ajax Advantages, JSF and Ajax, ASP.NET Ajax defined, ASP.NET Ajax packaging, Ajax limitations, Tapestry and Ajax, Spring and Ajax etc........

C++ tutorials
C++ access control, constructors destructors, error handling, friend members, inline function, operator overloading, classes and structure etc.......

PHP tutorials
Advantages of PHP, PEAR, heredoc, variables, comment, PHP conditional statement, PHP case switching, PHP loop PHP function, PHP data types etc........

MySQL tutorials
MySQL SELECT Statement, sorting data, filtering, operator, searching, concatenating fields, text manipulation, date time manipulation etc........

Networking tutorials
Application layer, Data link layer, IP layer, Ethernet, Firewall, Protocols, Routers, Security, TCP layer, Tunneling, Multicasting etc........

Testing tutorials
Testing techniques, Software process, CMMI, Six sigma, Automated testing, Testing estimation, Load testing, Bug defect tracking etc........

Microsoft solution framework
Gathering information in MSF, Analyzing Information in MSF, Modeling the solution in MSF, Envisioning Phase in MSF, Planning Phase in MSF etc........

Software engineering
Designing business solutions, Gathering & analyzing Info., Envisioning the solutions, Conceptual design, Logical design, Physical design etc.........

Latest interview questions and answers

What are the types of triggers available in Oracle Reports?
How to create LOV in Oracle forms?
What is the tablespace in Oracle? Purpose and significance
What are the advantages of running a database in archive log mode?
Structural difference between bitmap and btree index in oracle.
Explain the use of between page triggers in REPORTS - oracle
How to find out second largest value in the table? - oracle
What is WATER MARK IN oracle? Explain the significance of High water mark - oracle
What are the types of calculated columns available? Explain them - oracle
Explain how Java addresses the issue of portability and security - Java.
Why does Java have different data types for integers and floating-point values? - Java
What is endianness? Describe the ways an integer is stored in memory.- Java.
Explain why Java uses Unicode. - Java
How do we allocate an array dynamically in java?- Java
What is the purpose of the wait (), notify (), and notifyAll() methods? - Java
Explain with example how to initialize an array of objects - Java.
What is the difference between the Boolean & operator and the && operator? - Java
Explain CacheRowset, JDBCRowset and WebRowset. - Java
How and when can we cast from one class to another?- Java.

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