J2ME – Java 2 Platform Micro Edition. It is targeted at small, standalone or connectable consumer and embedded devices..
J2ME CDC - Connected Device Configuration (CDC) is a set of tools for developing applications that run on a range of network-connected..
J2ME CDMA - CDMA (Code Division Multiple Access) is a multiplexing technique based on spread spectrum approach...
J2ME C-HTML - Compact-HTML (a subset of HTML for small information devices) was created by Japan-based Access Company and was accepted by the W3CM in 1998....
J2ME PDAP - The Personal Digital Assistant Profile (PDAP) is a J2ME profile specification designed for small platforms such as PalmOS devices...
J2ME Telematics - Telematics is a GPS technology that provides location based service to track latitude and longitude of a vehicle...
Wireless Transport Layer Security (WTLS) is a security protocol that resides between WTP and WDP layers in the WAP communications stack..
J2ME WTP - The Wireless Transaction Protocol (WTP), a protocol in the Wireless Application Protocol (WAP) suite. ..
Wideband Code Division Multiple Access is a wideband spread-spectrum mobile air interface. It can achieve higher speeds as it uses the direct-sequence...
Wireless Datagram Protocol (WDP) works as the transport layer of WAP. WDP processes datagrams from upper layers to..
Java Platform 2 Micro Edition: JME is a specification of a java platform for developing software for micro electronic devices, such as PDA, Mobile phones, home appliances etc....
The connected device configuration is JME configuration. The devices that require a complete implementation of the JVM and API through the addition of profiles including JSE API, requires Connected Device Configuration.....
A profile of JME is a jargon used in API for JME implementations that supports for a type of a device..
Java Community Process is a process of involving interested parties for the involvement of the future versions of java platform..