How to use anonymous functions and closures with Javascript


Anonymous functions and closures

Book Excerpt: Object-Oriented JavaScript

>What encapsulation, inheritance, and polymorphism mean
>How JavaScript functions work
>How to use anonymous functions and closures
>How to read a class diagram, and implement it using JavaScript
>How to work with JavaScript prototypes
>How the execution context and scope affect the output of JavaScript functions
>How to implement inheritance using closures and prototypes
>What JSON is, and what a JSON structure looks like
This chapter excerpt from Microsoft AJAX Library Essentials by Cristian Darie, Bogdan Brinzarea, is printed with permission from Packt Publishing, Copyright 2007.

Anonymous Functions

Anonymous functions can be created adhoc and used instead of a named function. Although this can hinder readability when the function is more complex, you can do this if you don't intend to reuse a function's code. In the following example we pass such an anonymous function to DisplayGreeting(), instead of passing GetCurrentHour():

// call DisplayGreeting
      return (new Date()).getHours();

This syntax is sure to look strange if this is the first time you have worked with anonymous functions. You can compact it on a single line if it helps understanding it better:

DisplayGreeting( function() { return (new Date()).getHours(); } );

This code can be tested online at AnonymousFunction.html.

Inner Functions and JavaScript Closures

JavaScript functions implement the concept of closures, which are functions that are defi ned inside other functions, and use contextual data from the parent functions to execute. You can fi nd a complete and technically accurate defi nition of closures at

In JavaScript a function can be regarded as a named block of code that you can execute, but it can also be used as a data member inside another function, in which case it is referred to as an inner functions. In other words, a JavaScript function can contain other functions.

Say that we want to upgrade the initial ShowHelloWorld() function by separating the code that displays the greeting message into a separate function inside ShowHelloWorld(). This is a possible implementation, and the output continues to be the same as before:

// call function to display greeting message
     // "Hello, World" function
     function ShowHelloWorld()
         // declaring new variables
          var date = new Date();
          var hour = date.getHours();
          // call DisplayGreeting supplying the current hour as parameter

         // display greeting
      function DisplayGreeting(hour)
           if (hour >= 22 || hour <= 5)
                document.write("Goodnight, world!");
               document.write("Hello, world!");

Here, we created a function named DisplayGreeting() inside ShowHelloWorld(), which displays a greeting message depending on the hour parameter it receives. The execution rules apply here as well. This new function needs to be called explicitly from its parent function in order to execute.

This code can be tested online at

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