What are the changes being made in P-machine Pascal?

What are the changes being made in P-machine Pascal?

- P-machine Pascal is the variant of the Pascal and it allows the implementation to be done of standard Pascal language.

- The changes made to the P-machine are as follows:

- Procedures and functions are not treated as parameters in the Pascal language. It also doesn’t simplify the use of it.

- The statements like Goto have no reference targets mainly outside the procedure/function bodies.

- The file types that are in the form of text can be used as an input or output and the special files can be compiled by itself.

- P-machine allows the use of pre-defined identifiers like maxint, round, page, disclose, etc. that are not present.

- Dispose is not being implemented in the P-machine Pascal and is replaced by the “mark” and “release” keywords.
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