Embedded systems interview questions and answers part 2


Embedded systems interview questions and answers part 2

Part 1   Part 2   Part 3   Part 4   Part 5

What is the difference between Hardware design and Software Design?

• Hardware design is designed with the collaboration of interconnected parallel components that inherits the properties of each other. Whereas, Software design is designed with sequential components, that are based on objects and threads.
• Hardware design structure doesn’t change dynamically and it can’t be created, modified or removed easily. Whereas, Software design structure can be changed dynamically and re-usability features, used to define the components. It also includes easy creation, modification and removal of the components from the software.
• Hardware design focuses on individual components that are represented using analytical model that uses the transfer functions. Whereas, Software design represent the components using computation model that can have abstract execution engine or it can use the virtual machine that are non-deterministic.

What are the differences between analytical and computational modeling?

• Analytical model allows the components to deal with the concurrency that are given during the process and the quantitative constraints that might come in between the components. Whereas, computational model deal with the non-deterministic abstraction hierarchy that has computational complexity to deal with the concurrency and allow it put also the physical constraints.

• Analytical models can’t deal with the partial and incremental specifications that are non-deterministic. It is also not good in controlling the computation complexity that is used in the hardware design. Whereas, Computational model can, deal with constraints easily and it provides an upgradeable solution.

• Analytical model is the equation based model that doesn’t have the time-sharing and parallelism concepts. Whereas, time-sharing and parallelism is used, in the abstract method that provides the theories of complexity and the real time evaluation.

What are the functional requirements that are used in the embedded systems?

Functional requirements specifies the discrete and the logic to provide the services, functionality, features and the implementation that is independent from the components that are getting used in it. These are used to represent the constraints that are in the form of physical and define the probability to specify the components discretely from each other. The functional requirements are given for the hardware as well that gives more performance and measures the physical resources that are present like clock frequency, latency, etc. Functional requirements allow the system and hardware machines to transfer the functions with the non-deterministic probability.

Why is Model transformations used in the embedded system?

Model transformations involve multiple models that are used to define different views of a system. It provides different level of granularity that it doesn’t use either the top-down approach or the bottom-up approach to implement the basic functionality of the system. It is used to integrate the library components used that involves the iteration of the model that needs to be constructed. It also involves the analysis of the model so that the process can be made automated by using the construction tools. The compilation made the progress by improving the code that is written in high level language and the code generator produce the code that is required for the machine language.

What is interaction semantics used in embedded systems?

Interaction semantics allow the actions to be performed by the system components to allow it to get the global behavior. The interaction can be atomic or non-atomic dependent on the interaction between the components. These components can’t be modified using the interference having the other interactions. Languages that are used, having buffered communication, and other languages, that include multi-threaded languages that use non-atomic interactions. There are two types of interactions that are used:
• Strong synchronization: allow the components to participate together and have strong bonding in between.
• Weakly synchronizing: are asymmetric that required the communication from both the objects.  

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