Embedded systems interview questions and answers part 4


Embedded systems interview questions and answers part 4

Part 1   Part 2   Part 3   Part 4   Part 5

Why is it better to use multi-threading polling then single threading model?

Multi-threading allows a simple thread to be stored and polled. There is no Input/output function that is applied when it is having the poll. When there is no poll available to spawn it makes the system to sleep for an amount of time till the request for another poll reaches. If there is one process that is running then it divides that process into multiple threads and processes it accordingly. It allows the main thread to process all the request and produce the output by combining all other. Multi-threading allows the main thread not to put off the result or the output that will be generated. It also allow the priority of the thread to be changed by allowing to set the priority of the input/output process. It also has some problems with the polling interval that can make a thread starve for some time if the request isn’t handled properly.

How does the interrupt architecture works?

Interrupt architecture allows the use of interrupt by the processor whenever an Input/output is ready for the processing. The processor in this case calls a special function to handle the request that comes and leave all the work that is getting performed at that time. The special function that is known as interrupt handler or the interrupt service routine consists of all the input, and output queries, or the interrupts handled by it. It is an efficient and simple way to handle the interrupts. It uses only one function to deal with the interrupts. There are properties of starvation that can creep in when handling the input/output requests. The data can be lost if the interrupt doesn’t get handled before the time runs out. This is a technique that is use to deal with the short processes that involve input and output.

How does the interrupts handle by using the threads?

The interrupts that comes in between the input/output operations gets detected when the input/output devices are ready. The interrupt never gets handled directly rather, it sends the interrupt signal to the thread to the input/output device that is ready to allow the thread to take necessary actions. The thread uses the signaling concept that allows the initialization to be done using the semaphore that keeps the states updated and handle the interrupt in an easy way. The input/output device getting the request and it also passes the semaphore to handle. The input/output device takes the semaphore that is ready. The thread is having the minimum latency that uses the first level interrupt handler to handle the interrupts completely. It allows the priority of the thread to be set and it doesn’t allow the context to be change as well.

What is the function of DMA controlled in embedded system?

DMA stands for Direct Memory Access controller that handles the allocation of the memory dynamically to the components and allows the data to be transferred between the devices. It is used for the communication between different input/output devices. It automatically detects the devices that are present for the transfer of data between the input/output devices. The interrupt can be used to complete the data transfer between the devices. It is used to give the high quality performance as, the input/output device can perform the operations that are in parallel with the code that are in execution phase. It can’t be used in all the systems. It consists of 8-bit microcontrollers that are used to control the overall system in execution.

What are the different types of customizations that is used with the “volatile” keyword?

Volatile keyword is used to show that the value can be changed anytime in the program. It is used for the compiler purpose and for the customization that works with the normal variables that are stored in the memory. There are three types of optimizations associated with the “volatile” keyword:
- "Read" optimizations -- allow the variable to be read once and put it in the register. If it is done then there is no re-reading of the variable during each and every time the program is compiled. The value can be used from the cache that is present in the register. 
- "Write" optimizations -- allow the variable to be written such that the last write of the variable will be considered and it will be processed on. This takes the normal values that are stored in the memory. 
- Instruction reordering -- allow to reorder the instructions that are used by the compiler and if any modification are required after being written once. The registers are used to perform the task and keep everything together.

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