Database Interview Questions and Answers - Part 2

Fact tables are central tables in data warehousing. They contain the aggregate values that are used in business process.......
Extraction, Transformation and loading are different stages in data warehousing. ......
Data mining is a process of analyzing current data and summarizing the information in more useful manner.....
Indexes can be clustered and non-clustered indexes. Clustered index keeps all the records in the database in the order of clustered index key......
Clustered index, Non-clustered. Clustered index exists as sorted row on disk. Clustered index re-orders the table record......
Structured Query Language is a relational database language, designed for managing data. The scope of SQL includes data query.....
RDBMS is a database management system based on relational model defined by E.F.Codd. Data is stored in the form of rows and columns......
ER diagram is a conceptual and abstract representation of data and entities. ER is a data modeling process......
Referential integrity is a RDBMS concept and ensures the relationships among tables remain consistent.....
A column or combination of columns that identify a row of data in a table is Primary Key.....
There can be a key apart from primary key in a table that can also be a key. This key may or may not be a unique key.....
Structured query language, SQL is an ANSI standard language that provides commands to access and update databases....
DBMS offers organized way of storing, managing and retrieving information......
E-R diagrams, i.e. Entity-Relationship diagram represent relationship between various tables in the database......
There are four relationships in database. One to One: One entity is associated with another entity. For Ex: Each employee is associated with one department.....
The benefits of normalization are: The process of searching, sorting and creating indexes is faster...
Normalization is the way of organizing data in a database by removing redundancy and inconsistent dependency....
The process of adding redundant data to get rid of complex join, in order to optimize database performance.....
Data definition language is used to define and manage all attributes and properties of a database....
UNION is a set operator combines the relations of 2 or more select statements into one relation....
A cursor is a variable that represents an area where the result of a query is stored....
DYNAMIC, STATIC, KEYSET. Implicit Cursor and Explicit Cursor.......
Close cursor when it is not required, you shouldn’t forget to deallocate cursor after closing it......
A query within a query is defined as a sub-query. A sub query is executed by enclosing it within another query....
Group By" is used to derive aggegate values by grouping similar data.....
A clustered index is unique for a given table. The actual data is at the leaf level of a clustered index and data is resorted......
Aggregate Functions return a single value by operating against a group of values....
Views can be created referencing tables and views only in the current database...
A correlated sub query is a type of sub query. Unlike sub query, a correlated sub query is dependent upon the outer query....
Data Warehousing is a process of storing and accessing data from central location for some strategic decision...
Joins are utilized to get the results from two or more tables. There are two types of joins available.......