Global warming

Global warming

Global warming.
Write an essay discussing the reasons and solutions.

Global warming is the term used to describe a gradual increase in the average temperature of the Earth’s atmosphere and thereby, causing permanent climatic changes.
Since 1980, it has been observed that Earth’s mean atmospheric temperature has increased by 1.4 degrees F. This is called global warming which is responsible for disrupting the nature’s balance by generating continued heat waves, and sudden occurrence of storms and floods.

The various causes for the same are the emissions which result from burning of fossil fuels and the razing of tropical forests. These emissions are called as “green house gases” and are the major cause of global warming. Industrial revolution is largely responsible for both burning of fossil fuels as well as deforestation. Hence, it is evident that global warming has manmade causes. Various researches have reported that the global emissions increased by 3 percent in 2011 and another 2.6 percent in 2012 which is a quite high increase.
Mining for coal and oil releases methane in the atmosphere. Methane is also one of the green house gases in addition to water vapour, carbon dioxide, chloro fluoro carbons and nitrous oxides. When deforestation takes place, the level of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere increases, thereby, increasing the green house effect. The nitrous oxide from fertilizers, gases used for refrigeration and industrial processes are other factors causing Global Warming.

Unpredictable climatic changes happen due to global warming causing droughts in one area and floods in another. CFC which are present in our deodorants and perfumes are known to react with the ozone layer and deplete it, thereby causing global warming. Hence, it is very essential that there use should be banned in addition to other actions that must be taken to prevent global warming.

Recycling disposable products, planting trees, spreading awareness , using paper bags instead of plastic bags, conserving electricity for example by using CFL lights instead of the normal bulbs are some of the easy ways which can help to reduce global warming and it’s harmful impacts.

Understanding the urgency in the need to reduce global warming, Kyoto Protocol was adopted in Kyoto, Japan on December 11, 1997 and came into force on February 16, 2005.
It basically commits industrialized countries to stabilize green house gas emissions by setting binding emission reduction targets on 37 industrialised countries which are majorly responsible for the emission of green house gases.
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  • RE: Global warming -Teena Bhatia (08/29/14)
  • Global Warming is a wave of serious concern spreading in the entire world. It is a major problem that will lead to a significant rise in sea level by the year 2100. The sea levels can use as much as by 82 feet. Also, the temperature is expected to increase by 5.4° to 9° Fahrenheit by the year 2100.

    Global warming is causing severe changes in climate. It is resulting in thermal expansion of seas and oceans and melting of land ice. The nature of precipitation is changing every day. The many regions of world are facing severe hurricanes. The frequency, intensity and duration of the climatic disasters like hurricanes, floods, tornadoes, droughts etc have increased significantly. The many diseases are making a way into the various areas. It is the high time the world has to come together to save the earth from harmful effects of global warming. Some of the ways which can prove useful are as under:
    • The first important step is to reduce the emission levels of carbon pollution in the environment. It can be achieved by setting the limits on the use of various sources like power plants and car responsible for releasing the green house gases. In the U.S., power plants are the major source of carbon pollution. They emit around 40% of the total emissions.
    • It is the time to make some investment in getting clean energy. The power of wind energy and solar energy is neglected whereas they can act as a great means to reduce the harmful emissions. The new industry will also create million of safe jobs for common men.
    • A small but significant step that can make a big difference is driving smarter cars. The fuel-efficient car like plug-in hybrids can provide dual benefits. One, it will lead to lower consumption of gas and oil, and secondly it will save the environment. The global warming can be limited by as much as 350 million metric tons in next ten years by the use of smart cars.
    • The next step in the process is to shift focus on energy efficient green homes and buildings. They should have new innovative energy-efficient standards so that the consumption of energy can be reduced. Retrofitting is the way to make the homes energy efficient.
    • People should focus more on their modes of transportations. They should try to use mass transit and active transportation which will ultimately lead to less carbon emissions in the environment.